Monday, August 27, 2012

Disney Lost Child Procedures...

Medical info

I think the scariest thing that could happen to you at Disney would be to lose your child. Please be rest assured that a Cast Member will help that child. We were trained to assist a child in this situation. We were asked to walk the child around the general area three times to see if we can find the parents or group. If you were unsuccessful you were to take the child by hand to the Lost Child Center down Main Street next to the Baby Center & First Aid. This is the ONLY time a cast member may leave their "Land" in full costume.

I had one incident where I found a lost girl around 10 years old. I took her hand & we walked around the Dumbo,Peter Pan,IASW area of FantasyLand three times. We found her angry mom after the third loop. She yelled & smacked her & there was nothing I could do. :( I beg parents not to react this way. It is just as scary for the child as it is for the adult if not more so! You can buy ID bracelets off of or most health supply websites for an ID bracelet. You should also discuss places where to meet up in case you get seperated. I hope this has helped someone!

photo courtesy of

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