Saturday, August 25, 2012

Crepes des Chefs de France Kiosk Review...

Sugar Crepe

Growing up my Polish grandma would make me "skinny pancakes" which are basically a thin crepe filled with sugar & then you roll it to put more sugar on top! Ahhhhh the good old days before  diabetes was such a huge issue. I have very fond memories of my gram making those for me when I would visit her in Chicago. Sadly she passed away two weeks before my wedding in 2010. In her honor on my trip in November 2011 I decided to try these sugar crepes at a kiosk in France. You can get different fillings. I went for the basic sugar filled ones. They make them on this HUGE hot plate sized top. The crepes are pre-made & they add the filling you want as they heat it up.I was SOOOOOOO disappointed. I'm used to sweeter tasting crepes & these had no flavor at all. The sugar did not help either. I make better crepes at home honestly. I'm glad I tasted it but now I know to just get creme brulee next trip.

Photo courtesy of

Pic of what a Polish crepe looks like :)

Picture of me,my mom,gram, & my niece. My gram was 94 when she died so she lived a LONG life! RIP Gram :(---

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