Saturday, January 17, 2015

Disney's O'hana Honey Lime salad Dressing Recipe...

                            Disney's O'hana's Honey Lime salad Dressing Recipe...

Photo courtesy of

You can find Disney's O'Hana at the Polynesian Village Resort hotel at Walt Disney World. It is upstairs next to the Kona Cafe restaurant. I haven't dined at O'hana for dinner in quite a few years but always remember their salad dressing & dessert there! I heard they recently changed the salad dressing recipe there & a lot of people are NOT happy about it! I'm trying to eat healthier & thought this would be a fun way to incorporate Disney into my daily life. 

You can put this in the fridge or serve immediately. If you put in fridge & use later just be sure to shake well  first! ;)

This was SUPER simple to make within minutes! This is a new staple in my routine for sure! 

P.S. I put the recipe in a recipe builder w/ 8 servings & the calories came out to be 160.8 calories per serving as FYI! It might even serve more than 8 servings ;) 

My Disney Cooking Video for this recipe:

Recipe: Yields 1 cup 


1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1/8 cup lime juice (about 1/2 of a lime)
1/2 tsp lime zest (or other citrus zest)
1/8 cup diced yellow onion
1/2 tsp dry mustard
generous pinch of salt
1/2 cup canola oil (or other light oil preferred for salad dressing)
1. Combine honey, vinegar, lime juice, zest, onion, mustard, and salt (all ingredients except for the oil) in a food processor. Blend until smooth.
Before Mixed

After Mixed

2. Slowly drizzle the oil into the food processor while pulsing to incorporate the oil. Dispense finished dressing into a carafe/sealed container.

Please feel free to send me any questions that you have. Thank you!

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