Wednesday, May 14, 2014

My Blog 2 year anniversary & Giveaway!

Today is my blog's two year anniversary! I collaborated with Monika to start our own blog but sadly Monika just doesn't have the time to write like I do. It was her push that made me create my website. I'm glad that she did because it helps with my Disney Blues! I appreciate anyone & everyone who looks at my page be it for reviews,recipes, or something else! I've come a long way from only having 12 page views a day to in the 400's! I do not get paid for my blog so this is just a hobby of mine. I love helping people plan for their trips so this is a great outlet for me. Please don't hesitate to ask for help on anything ever be it WDW questions, Disney College program questions or anything else!

I would like to have a giveaway for 5 pins. I stopped doing giveaways when I was on unemployment but now I'm back at work so can start that up again! If you'd like to enter my contest here are the rules:

1) you must Like my FB Blog page

2) You must share this post

3) comment on the post about your favorite disney cast member experience

I will choose a winner next week with a random online generator like I have done in the past.

Good luck!

Please feel free to ask any questions!

Follow me on Pinterest at: 
Or on Tumblr at:

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