Sunday, May 18, 2014

HersheyPark Review & Pics...

We only live two hours away from Hershey,PA. We always get discount tickets from our oil provider. They close the park for Customers,Friends/Family of our Oil Provider in April. I met up with one of my old Disney College Program friends.Please do NOT compare this park to Disney when you go. The employees looked like they wanted to shoot themselves?! I kid you not they looked SO miserable. : ( 

Me & Monika : ) Notice our shoes?!

 The food was far too expensive for the quality. We ate lunch at Nathan's inside of the park. I thought the fries tasted EXTREMELY freezer burned! My Husband & his family ate at the BBQ place inside the park & he let me have a bite. It was awful but he seemed to enjoy it?

 *Quick tip- It is worth it to go & eat in the food court in HersheyWorld. That is the big building where the free chocolate tour takes place. 

You meet them on your chocolate tour : )

 The massive gift shop & chocolate tour are inside of that building. You get a free sample at the end of the chocolate tour. That is the most Disney like attraction Hershey has. When we were there we got mini size hershey bars. :) 

We did have the BEST sundae inside of the park! It was chocolate ice cream with pb,reece's pieces & pb cup chunks!!!! I couldn't even eat half of it. 

Part of Storm Runner
If you love thrill rides you will love the new SkyRush coaster. It is 4 seats wide & the outside seats sit over the edge of the track! The scariest coaster I've ever been on is at HP & is called storm runner! It is SO intense! You go 0-72MPH in a few seconds! It is so scary but smooth. I do NOT recommend the Wildcat wooden coaster. It vibrated our body/head so much I felt like my brain was shaking & it actually hurt my whole body! 

I don't think the daily admission price is worth it personally. We get discount tickets for $30 & that is why we go. If you have never been I guess it is worth a once in a lifetime visit. It is a small park. I suggest trying to find discounted tickets online. 

The monorail here is NOTHING like Disney. It is open aired & more like a tour of the property. They even have a knock off Space Ranger Spin ride. My friend commented how ghetto it was compared to Disney's LOL The one thing I do love about HP is that there is a small zoo inside of the park & it is free w/ park admission. It is a great zoo for a theme park in my opinion but I'm a HUGE zoo person. 

Does anyone here like HP? We had a nice time don't get me wrong I just don't think the regular price is justified. 

My friend & I wore the same mickey shoes HAHA

Monika taking me on a spin ;)

HP Height Chart :)

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1 comment:

  1. I haven't been to Hershey Park in years. Love that park though! Need to take Olivia there! Maybe one day this summer I will take her. :)
