Monday, March 17, 2014

Disney's Asparagus Soup Recipe...

The recipe hails from this cook book

In ode to St. Patrick's Day I thought I would post something a little green today on this snowy day. I was trying to be healthy & randomly bought asparagus last week. I never ate it & then remembered about this recipe. :)

This was fairly easy to make & I made it in exactly 1 hour with all the chopping etc....  This soup was REALLY good! It reheats very well too. I did not add crab meat to this because I don't have the money in my budget right now but I'm sure that would've added even more flavor to the dish. It is simple & a great appetizer soup!

Sautee the onions
Before puree

After Puree

This is how my Beurre Manie turned out. VERY EASY! & my first time doing it ;)

Please feel free to ask any questions!

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