Monday, March 3, 2014

Did You Know This Mary poppins Disney Fact?!

I'm not sure what took me so long but I just recently watched "Mary Poppins" for the first time around Christmas. We went to go see Saving Mr. Banks on Christmas & my husband's aunt bought the "Mary Poppins" DVD for me for Christmas! We went to Williamsburg for a week with my family & his family so we all watched it together. I think I know why I never saw it growing up..... My mom came in the room to say how much she disliked the movie...... It is a shame because I really enjoyed the movie but thought it was a tad too long. My favorite song is "Let's go Fly A Kite"

My friend Monika is OBSESSED with Mary poppins & it is her favorite Disney Movie. You can find the actual dress from "Mary Poppins" in the gift shop area after you meet Mickey Mouse in Magic Kingdom at WDW.  Monika asked a cast member about the dress & they said it was indeed the original dress & that Julie Andrews actually owned the dress. Monika asked why the belt wasn't fastened correctly & the cast member explained that only Julie Andrews is allowed to touch it! We found that to be a fascinating new Disney fact that we did not know.

I hope I taught something new to you today! Do you have a Disney fact you'd like to share???

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