Thursday, October 10, 2013

Life As A Quick Food Service Cast Member...

No one ever wants to get Quick-Service Food Service as their job at WDW but you gotta do what you gotta do. I was so ecstatic to get offered ANY position on the WDWCP so I didn't care. All I knew was that I was going to WDW! I was a Hospitality Major so ended up at All Star Music Resort. I worked 12-8 shifts mostly with 5 other College Program Interns. I still am in contact with the girls I worked with. We were a tight knit group. I lost touch with my friend Joe who I met there. He lived in Puerto Rico. I talked to him once or twice after we all went home but we lost touch & that makes me sad. He had the best personality & outlook on life. If you see this Joe please contact me! I miss you. ;) He was like a brother to me!

Everyone we worked with there was SO sweet & nice. I actually bumped into a couple I worked with there the next year when I was interning in Fantasyland. I went back the first couple of years but it is hard to make time to make it over there when we have a jam packed week of WDW. I don't think anyone I worked with is still there. :(

This was my first time away from home & working full-time. It taught me a lot about myself. Growing up I used to be a person that always said "I can't." My WDW bosses helped me a lot & turned me into a " I can" person now. I still keep in touch with one of my managers from All-Star as well. In the end I'm glad I worked in Quick-Service food & beverage. I learned a lot about myself & gained a ton of confidence! My parents saw a HUGE change in me when I moved home.

For the most part we got to pick which section we would work in. I loved working in the Bakery or BBQ sections so I mainly worked there. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for All Star Music resort. For the most part it was fun. All the band members & cheerleaders were challenging at times but that builds character right? ;)

My roommate Rachel used to laugh at my costume EVERYDAY I left for work. It never got old to her. She worked at DTD & only had to wear khakis & a polo..... I looked cute though right?!

My friend Joe being silly while we were waiting for Vista Way bus. :)

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