Friday, September 27, 2013

MY Disney Snow globe collection...

I don't have many but I love my globes. I was lucky to get two of these at a cheap price while I was a cast member at WDW. They had a tent in back of MK that they called Property Control. They had overstock & slightly damaged items for very discounted prices. I'm sure it is still there for cast members.  I got a ton of great stuff there. I still have a 2000 WDW sweatshirt,t-shirts,Cinderella tins etc that I got there. My mom gave me the Mickey one for xmas one year. Luckily I got these in 2000 before 9/11 so I could carry them on the plane so they wouldn't break. Pardon the dust :) They are on a super high shelf LOL

Do you own any Disney globes?

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