Thursday, August 8, 2013

Downtown Disney old school....

This picture might date myself ;) 

I was going through some of my old pictures the other day & came across these. I used to LOVE browsing in the Virgin records store! I could spend hours there. Being a poor College programmer I spent a good chunk of time there & the disney discount helped! I got quite a few books & CD's there back in the day. I was sad to see it go.

My roommate worked in Downtown Disney so occasionally I would meet her at MCD's for her break. I had no idea there was a cast member entrance to that McD's until she showed me. Plus the cast members got a discount on top of being cheap & a totally separate counter/eat in area. It was pretty darn cool!

Does anyone else miss Pleasure Island?! We used to go almost every week on cast member night. Thursday nights CM's got in for free! It was always so much fun. I remember the ice luge, jello shot syringes, beach club & 8 trax!!! I also enjoyed NYE every night & the Comedy Warehouse!

What were your favorite parts of DTD that is no longer? 

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Sorry I had a crappy camera. I lived there BEFORE digital cameras :)

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