Friday, July 12, 2013

My Magical Moment...

We were at the studios on a hot humid day in October 2012. We just finished the Backlot Tour & wanted a much needed ice cream treat & soda. My husband stood in line to get our items as I am away snapping pictures. There was a very large line. The girl handed my hubby 2 ice cream bars & 2 sodas saying that it was an anniversary gift from Mickey Mouse. He asked her if she was sure & she said Absolutely! We were so excited to get free treats. We were there for our 2nd wedding anniversary but didn't expect anything at all while there so this was a nice surprise. Neither of us had ever had the Mickey bar before so we were extra stoked that it was free! The Mickey bar was exceptional. I went to try to look at the calories & my hubby grabbed the wrapper to say calories don't count at WDW! Isn't that the truth?! ;) We will always have a special memory associated with Mickey bars now. :)

Can you tell me of any special magical moments that you have at at Disney???

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  1. We got a free popcorn at Disney when on our honeymoon. And back when you could use fastpasses past their time, a FP ticket taker let us keep our FPs for Toy Story Mania so we could use them later in the day!

    Also when I ate at Backlot Express I got a "magic tray" - all of the people behind the counter started chanting and I got a free dessert! It was a random but awesome bit of pixie dust!

  2. Um, getting upgraded to a one bedroom suite at the Contemporary was pretty stinkin' magical!

    Another one that comes to mind would be the first time we took Belle to Disney World. We on the side of the Great Movie Ride waiting for Gregg to come out. Minnie Mouse was coming back from a meet and greet and stopped to play with Belle for a few minutes. We were completely hidden away from the crowds so it was like our own personal meet and greet.

    1. That upgrade sounds awesome!

      Awwww I would cry if that we're me :)
