Monday, September 3, 2012

Shadowing While On Your CP...

Photo Courtesy of

I'm sorry I have been MIA for a few days. I had a busy Labor Day Weekend! ;)

I urge every college program intern to reach out to someone with your dream job & ask to shadow them. When I worked at All Star Music Resort I asked my boss to introduce me to the HR Assistant at our hotel. I got to shadow her quite a few times. It NEVER hurts to ask! A lot of the WDW staff are prior college program interns so they know how it is. I got to attend meetings with her & get good HR & office experience. I did go in to shadow on my days off but it was a sacrifice I was willing to take. Having Disney on my resume ultimately helped me get to where I am today & I'm ever so grateful! I'm an Office Manager for a government contractor. I tried to convince my hubby to move to FL but he hates the weather there so I'm stuck here for now...

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