Friday, October 4, 2019

New Disney Store in Target!

New Disney Store in Target 

For a video tour of the new area please click here: 

All of the limited Disney Target stores opened today on October 4th, 2019. They will be expanding to many other stores in the near future. I was one of the lucky ones who got one first! I was so exited that I went into work early so I could leave a little earlier to see how this actually was in person. My Disney store was closed  quite a few years ago so I was actually really excited for this! The closest Disney Store to me is 1.5 hour away. As soon as I walked in there was a HUGE Disney Frozen area with only Frozen items in it. I knew that couldn't be it so I ventured to the dead center of the store & saw Stitch & a huge Mickey in the back area of the store. 

They had one person working the area. It looked pretty untouched like no one knew about it so score for me! I guess not a lot of Disney fans live out in my area. I'm sure it will get destroyed this weekend. 

They had Disney gift cards EVERYWHERE in the area. I was disappointed they had little to no adult items. They had a few Christmas sweaters, 2 or 3 Disney mugs but that was about it. They could have a tiny kitchen section with aprons, mixing bowls, etc. so I feel they missed the mark on that. I did in fact buy one of the sweaters :)

I think the little couch & Target Spot the dog watching the TV was a super cute & creative idea. That was my favorite part of the area. It is mostly girl's toys which is a little sad for the little boys out there. They had one row of Star Wars things & that was about it. 

I did like the Rey Star Wars sign in the air. BB-8 moved in it & Tinkerbell lights up the castle constantly where the TV is. 

They had a lot of super cute plushes. I was tempted to get Donald but didn't He has a bell inside his tail end and he rings. :)

All in all this is a good option for those of us who do not live near a Disney Store I just wish they would add one row of Disney adult themed home/kitchen items. 

Have you been yet? What are your thoughts? 

Please feel free to send me any questions that you may have. Thank you!

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